考生能够用清晰、有条理的方式陈述自己的观点。该部分考查考生在学术领域中 的写作能力。Directions: Write an essay on any topic below. You will be graded on your essays structure and organization. Your essay should be in the range between 200 words and 250 words. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay. Topic: More and more people are buying items on the Internet and from magazines or catalogs. Other people prefer shopping in a store. Which do you prefer and why?

听力:考查学生是否能听懂对话或文章的主要信息或重点信息并能做出相应的反应,筛 选并组织有效的信息完成相应的内容。分对话和讲座两个部分,题材是日常生活 会常碰见的场景或 学术场景,如:新闻,运动,生活,面试,电视,时尚,购 物,社会,金钱,家庭,科技等。What is the girl on her way to do?Attend a meeting
Pick up a schedule。Return a library book
Watch a performance

语法:考查学生对基本初中语法的掌握程度:不同词性词汇的使用,词的形态,主谓一 致,时态,词的搭配,句型结构和关系从句等。Laura published her first book .
A. and she was sixty-five years old then
B. when she was sixty-five
C. at age sixty-five years old
D. at the time when she was sixty-five
Correct answer: B