


托福学习网更新时间:2021-01-11 浏览:132

*,一篇好的作文,从內容和构造上,一定是符合规定的。文章内容行为主体文章段落由“主题风格句阐述举个例子 文章段落末尾句”的构造来开展论述,它是取得25分最基础的规定。假如你的事例和论述的內容是很有些道理、很切合的(这和汉语的议论文是一样的),在語言品质还不错的状况下,能够取得27分。可是要取得29分或是满分,主要是反映在語言品质上。下边,我将这名同学们在课上的训练用来给大伙儿剖析一下,我们一起来看一下語言品质的踩网点都有什么,及其这名同学们依照教师的规定实践活动以后的实际效果。
短 语 不 重 复
First of all, by studying only three to four subjects in high school, students would be more expert in the area they are dedicated to. When they give up some of the subjects that they aren't interested inand devote that time instead into specific apartments they are passionate about, the time allows them to achievedeeper understanding and better skills in these areas.
在这里好多个语句里,表述“资金投入于某件事”这个意思,这名同学们各自用了不一样的语句“are dedicated to”和“devote time into”。表述“很感兴趣的”,各自用了“be interested in”和“be passionate about”。表明“课程”这一定义,都没有所有都用subjects, 而用了area和apartment做为更换。表述一样的含意,一定要应用好几个不一样的表述。应用反复的語言,会令人感觉你語言贫乏。
平 行 结 构 的 使 用
大家是否有发觉,上边那一段话还有一个特性,那便是句型很“对仗”,英语中叫平行结构parallel structure,例如句中的they aren't interested in和they are passionate about 是一对,deeper understanding和better skills是一对,因此 ,像汉语一样,英文也注重这类整齐的“对仗法”,读起來顺口。
句 式 长 而 富 有 变 化
Instead, now that the physical resources are more abundant, parents do not have to worry too much about making a living with poor resources and concentrate their energy on their children.
优秀作文的此外一个特性,便是语句更长,但并不是有意去写尤其繁杂的长难句。大家看上边这一语句,语句较长可是不晦涩难懂,令人一读就搞清楚含意。用了now that正确引导的状语从句,另外后边的主语是一个用and联接的并列句,特别注意的是,…have to worry too much about making a living后边还接了“with poor resources”,用with介词短语,又可以进一步把语句变长,另外也表述了缘故。
还*须留意句型的转变,假如上一句写了状语从句,那麼下一句就换一个句式,例如用by doing sth,sb will…那样的构造,再下一句就换为定语从句,随后再下一句可以用基础的主谓宾结构。总得来说,句型要72变!
用 词 准 确
Creativity does not symbolize irrationality and completely impromptu behaviors, and similarly planning does not mean following the old path with no changes applied at all.
什么叫地道的英语?措辞精确呀!自然,如果有高級的词,用得精确,那么就也是加分项工程!上边这一语句,一眼看起来,就能见到好多个*级词汇symbolize, irrationality, impromptu, similarly,措辞精确是最重要的。用得不精确,就成“*式英语”啦。
一 篇 习 作
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement The ability to maintain friendships with a small number of people over a long period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to make many new friends easily. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Socializing with people is always important throughout history. Friends and friendship became an eternal topic among people of all ages. I believe that the ability to maintain friendships with a small number of people over a long period of time is more important for happiness than to make new friends easily. Actually, this statement is a personal one, and my own amount of happiness would be significantly increased when I can keep my best friends' friendship permanent. This is for the following reasons.
First, old friends would understand each other better, and it is always more comfortable to stay with somebody who acts like close family. After their long remaining friendship throughout years, they would be able to fully understand each other, not only the superficial parts of someone's traits or hobbies, but also the deep understanding of their personality and thoughts. This is rare but would offer me extreme happiness. For example, I have been friends with nine people since elementary school. Now that we have travelled to other cities, played basketball matches as a team, and supported each other in different schools and even different countries, our bond between each other grew strong like an elastic. When I am hanging out with them, I always feel warmer and happier than with other friends that I have from my grade.

Second, close friends would have more realistic friendship with actual actions. There once was a theory of dividing one's friends into different layers. In the bottom layer, the friends would only exist on the internet, liking or reposting their friend's post in the distance. They don't act as real friends actually, for people cannot even meet many of them in real life. For example, once I decided to meet one of the new friends I made at school to shop around in the mall. We appeared distant, without saying much throughout the whole process. It was really uncomfortable for me because even if we regarded each other as friends, we acted like strangers when we were doing something together. As far as I'm concerned, authentic friendship would impress me more and make me feel happier than having a wide range of distant friends.
To sum up my ideas, I personally believe that the ability to maintain friendships with a small number of people over a long period of time is more important for happiness than to make new friends easily. Friends would always be my closest companions aside from family, and people should all try to maintain their friendship in future days.



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