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   英语短句一般 有二种词序,一种是当然词序(Natural Order),又被称为西装词序,另一种就是此章要详细介绍的部分倒装词序(Inverted Order)。

  从方式上分,倒配有二种:全部倒装(Full Inversion)和部分倒装(Partial Inversion)。谓语动词所有坐落于主语以前的称之为全部倒装,比如:In front of me stood a boy. (我眼前站着一个男孩。)只将谓语动词的一部分(一般 是助动词或情态动词)放到主语以前的称之为部分倒装,比如:Only in this way can we do it better. (仅有那样,大家才可以做得更强一些)从应用目地区别,部分倒装也是有二种状况,即英语的语法部分倒装(Grammatical Inversion)和修辞方法部分倒装(Rhetorical Inversion)。英语的语法部分倒装是因为英语的语法标准的规定而务必开展的部分倒装,比如:Who called me just now?(刚刚谁打帮我?)修辞方法部分倒装是出自于修辞方法的*须而把一切正常词序变为部分倒装词序,比如:Out rushed the children.(小朋友们冲出来)H?Fowler梳理部分倒装的缘故有九种,即疑惑、指令、惊讶、假定、均衡、对接、扣题(signpost)、否认和律动(metrical)。这并不彻底,还应再加上注重和为使描绘更为栩栩如生二种。在英语中,倒装句俯拾即是,用得十分广泛,但中文却非常少用,因此 在翻译倒装句时,仍应按全文语序汉语翻译,并照料中文的习惯性,以维持译文翻译句子成分顺畅、均匀。此章只例举在文章阅读中常会碰到的部分倒装状况,以使学生熟悉英语和中文在词序上的差别。
  1. Jack London poured into his writings all the pain of his life,the fierce hatred of the bourgeoisie that it had produced in him,and the conviction it had brought to him that the world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise up and take the management of society out of the hands of the exploiters.
  *一层:Jack London 主 poured 谓 into his writings 状 all the pain 宾 of his life,定 the fierce hatred 宾 of the bourgeoisie 定 that it had produced in him ,定语从句1 and 连 the conviction 宾 it had brought to him 定语从句2 that the world could be made a better place to live in if the exploited would rise 同位语从句 up and take the management of society out of the hands of the exploiters .
  第二层:(定语从句1)that 引 it 主 had produced 谓 in him 状
  (定语从句2)it 主 had brought to 谓 him 间宾
  (同位语从句)that 引 the world 主 could be made 谓 a better place 宾 to live in 定 if the exploited would rise up and take the man- 状语从句 agement of society out of the hands of the exploiters.
  第三层:(状语从句)if 引 the exploited 主 would rise up 谓 and 连 take 谓 the management 宾 of society 定 out of the hands of the exploiters 状
  关键点 本句为倒装句。假如宾语较长或宾语构造非常复杂,通常将宾语后置,选用部分倒装词序,以使语句保持稳定。本句的宾语由三个并排的专有名词组成,且第二和第三个专有名词后又含有限定性定语从句,故选用部分倒装词序,将形容词poured的宾语放到状语into his writings以后。all the pain……,the fierce hatred……和the conviction……是poured的三个并排的宾语;在其中,*一个that正确引导的定语从句装饰hatred,it had brought to him装饰conviction,在该定语从句中为关系代词作宾语而被省去;第二个that从句则是conviction的同位语从句。
  译文翻译 伊丽莎白斯旺?纽约在著作中竭尽了他一生中所遭到过的一切痛楚,倾吐了这类痛楚在他心里造成的对无产阶级的刻骨仇恨及其从而造成的那样的信心:假如被剥削者起來抵抗,从剥削者手上抢回社会发展自主权,那麼全球便会变为一个每个人有好日子过的地区。
  2. Along with them goes social mobility,ambition to rise in the urban world,a main factor in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenth century.
  剖析:Along with them 状 goes 谓 social 定 mobility,主 ambition 主 to rise in the 定 urban world,a main factor 同位语 in bringing down the births in Europe in the nineteenth century. 定
  关键点 这是一个彻底倒装句,主语是social mobility……century,谓语动词是goes.ambition to rise in the urban world 是对 social mobility的进一步表明。a main factor在含意上等同于which is a main factor in……century,装饰 ambition to ……world.本句可按全文次序汉语翻译。
  译文翻译 随着她们而成的是社会发展的流通性,大家明显地期待在大城市里发展趋势,它是十九世纪欧州生育率降低的关键要素。
  3. For example,they do not compensate for gross social inequality,and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.
  关键点 句中had he grown up …… 是虚似标准中省去if的部分倒装构造。汉语翻译时,要把if的含意译出。主句为并列谓语…… compensate …… , and …… tell构造。句中how正确引导宾语从句。虚拟条件句为宾语从句的状语。依据中文的表述习惯性,条件状语常外置。
  译文翻译 比如,他们并不填补显著的社会发展不公平;因而,他们表明不上一个物质生活差的年青人,假如在不错的自然环境下发展,会有多大的才能。
  4. So involved with their computers do the children become that leaders at summer computer camps often have to force them to break for sports and games.
  关键点 本句的基础构造是the children become so involved with their computers that……。由于把so involved with their computers 放到了句首,因此 语句务必部分倒装。由于该句的形容词是become,因此 用do来协助部分倒装。汉语翻译时须用西装词序。
  译文翻译 报名参加电子计算机暑期夏令营的小朋友们对电子计算机这般痴迷,以致暑期夏令营的责任人经常迫不得已逼迫她们慢下来报名参加体育竞赛或玩游戏。
  5. As the Internet becomes more and more commercialized,it is in the interest of business to universalize access - after all,the more people online,the more potential customers there are.
  关键点 破折号后边的一部分是用于表述语句主句的,结构类型是一部分倒装句,属(从句)the+比较级……,(主句) the +比较级句型,那样的语句一般主谓不部分倒装。汉语翻译时能用西装。universalize:使普遍化;使集成化。
  译文翻译 伴随着英特网愈来愈商业化的,普及化网上会对店家有益,由于网上的人越多,潜在性的消费者总数就越大。
  6. Only after studies provided evidence of the harmful effects of such programs has it been possible to modify TV programming policies.
  关键点 only是提升语气的词语,坐落于句首时,主宾语要部分倒装。那样的语句一般可按全文次序汉语翻译。has it been ……是主句,西装应以it has been……。
  译文翻译 仅有很多调查出示出直接证据说明该类综艺节目造成负面影响后,电视栏目核查现行*策才有可能更改。
  7. Unpopular as red has been in the past at the moment it is a favorite hair style.
  关键点 这是一个主从复合句,主句是at the moment it is a favorite hair style.在妥协状语从句中,做为表语的unpopular 放到 as前边坐落于句首,组成部分倒装。修饰词+as从句在含意上相当于although……,一般译成“尽管…”。留意这一修饰词不可以放到形容词后边,不然全部语句含意不一样。
  译文翻译 尽管以往鲜红色不火爆,眼底下鲜红色染发膏却备受青睐。
  8. Lonely was seeing his daughter only twice a week since the divorce.
  关键点 这是一个彻底倒装句,主语是seeing his daughter……divorce.汉语翻译时可西装。
  译文翻译 他仅仅感觉离婚之后每星期只有看闺女2次使他害怕孤独。
  9. So perilous was this one that he was the only security officer on the site.
  关键点 该句的原构造是this one was so perilous that……,由于把 so perilous 放到句首,因此 语句要主谓倒装。汉语翻译时可西装。
  译文翻译 做当场惟一的保安人员高官,这差役还真有点危险。
  10. In front of me stood the essential tools of the intelligence officer''s trade - a desk,two telephones,one scrambled(更改頻率使不被监听)for outside calls,and to one side a large green metal safe with an oversized combination lock on the front.
  关键点 这是一个并列句,由and联接。*一个分句中破折号前边是一个彻底倒装句,主语是 the essential tools of the intelligence officer''s trade.破折号后边的一部分是用于表述trade.One scrambled for outside calls 相当于one of which was scrambled for outside calls.第二个分句也是一个彻底倒装句,仅仅在 to one side后边省掉了形容词stood.该句可按全文词序汉语翻译,第二个分句中省掉的形容词应汉语翻译出去。
  译文翻译 呈现在我眼前的是资源高官这一行的基础用品——一张书桌、两台,在其中一部是直流变频数据加密内外线,在我边上是一个大中型的翠绿色金属材料保险箱,其正脸有一把特大号复合型密码挂锁。



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