


商务英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-15 浏览:107

   1. Make realistic, specific goals

  You have decided to learn another language. Now what? On our recent live chat our panellists first piece of advice was to ask yourself: what do you want to achieve and by when? Donavan Whyte, vice president of enterprise and education at Rosetta Stone, says: “Language learning is best when broken down into manageable goals that are achievable over a few months. This is far more motivating and realistic.”
  You might be feeling wildly optimistic when you start but aiming to be fluent is not necessarily the best idea. Phil McGowan, director at Verbmaps, recommends making these goals tangible and specific: “Why not set yourself a target of being able to read a newspaper article in the target language without having to look up any words in the dictionary?”
  你早已决策要学习培训一门外国语。如今要怎样做呢?在大家近期的即时聊天中,大家的特邀嘉宾所给的*一条提议便是问一问自身:你要想达到一个如何的总体目标及其什么时候达到?来源于罗塞塔石的公司文化教育研究会副书记恩尼斯·蒂姆(Donavan Whyte)说,语言学习**是的方法是将个人目标分为好多个易解决的发展目标,这种总体目标要可以在数月以内达到。这一方式具备激起性另外也更非常容易完成。
  在开始学习一门語言的情况下你很有可能会过度开朗,但把总体目标设成能流畅应用该门語言很有可能并不是**是的作法。Verbmaps企业的负责人菲尔·麦高恩(Phil McGowan)提议将个人目标具化作具体且实际的总体目标:“为什么不设置那样一个个人目标,即可以不在查看词典的状况下,阅读文章目标语言的报刊文章内容呢?”
  2. Remind yourself why you are learning
  It might sound obvious, but recognising exactly why you want to learn a language is really important. Alex Rawlings, a language teacher now learning his 13th language, says: “Motivation is usually the first thing to go, especially among students who are teaching themselves.” To keep the momentum going he suggests writing down 10 reasons you are learning a language and sticking it to the front of the file you are using: “I turn to these in times of self-doubt.”
  这难题的回答看上去好像很显著,但可以精确地了解到自身学习培训一门語言的目地是很重要的。应用语言学老师艾利克斯·罗林斯(Alex Rawlings),现阶段已经学习培训他的第十三种語言,他说道:“明确学习兴趣是*要做的事儿,特别是在对这些通过自学外国语的学员来讲。” 他提议学生写出十个学习培训这门語言的原因,并把它贴在学习培训文件夹名称的主页,为此维持学习的动力:“当我们逐渐猜疑自身的情况下,我也看一下这种当时学习培训的原因。”
  3. Focus on exactly what you want to learn
  Often the discussion around how to learn a language slides into a debate about so-called traditional v tech approaches. For Aaron Ralby, director of Linguisticator, this debate misses the point: “The question is not so much about online v offline or app v book. Rather it should be how can we assemble the necessary elements of language for a particular objective, present them in a user-friendly way, and provide a means for students to understand those elements.”
  When signing up to a particular method or approach, think about the substance behind the style or technology. “Ultimately,” he says, “the learning takes place inside you rather that outside, regardless of whether it’s a computer or book or a teacher in front of you.”
  有关怎样语言学习的探讨一般 都变为有关说白了传统式学习的方法和技术性学习的方法中间的争辩。针对Linguisticator企业的负责人亚伦·罗一笑比(Aaron Ralby)而言,该类争辩也没有抓到关键:“难题并并不是有关网上学习和线下学习培训,亦或是应用应用软件学习培训或应用书籍学习培训,而应该是我们在应对一个特殊的个人目标时,怎样搜集学习培训需要的素材图片,并将这种原材料以对客户友善的方法展现,并出示给学员了解这种原材料的方式。” 当决策应用某类特殊的方式时,要思索这类具体方法或技术性身后的內容本质。“最后,” 他说道,“学习是产生在你的心里并非环境因素之中,不管你应对的是电脑上、书籍還是教师。”
  4. Read for pleasure
  For many of our panellists, reading was not only great for making progress, but one of the most rewarding aspects of the learning experience. Alex Rawlings explains that reading for pleasure “exposes you to all sorts of vocabulary that you won’t find in day-to-day life, and normalises otherwise baffling and complicated grammatical structures. The first book you ever finish in a foreign languages is a monumental achievement that you’ll remember for a long time.”
  5. Learn vocabulary in context
  Memorising lists of vocabulary can be challenging, not to mention potentially dull. Ed Cooke, co-founder and chief executive of Memrise, believes that association is key to retaining new words: “A great way to build vocabulary is to make sure the lists you’re learning come from situations or texts that you have experienced yourself, so that the content is always relevant and connects to background experience.”
  5. 在情境中学习培训语汇
  记牢一大堆英语单词是很艰难的,更不要说这可能是一个非常无趣的全过程。Memrise 企业的创始人兼CEO艾德·桑德斯(Ed Cooke)觉得想到是记忆单词很重要的方式:“创建语汇库的一个关键方式是*你如今学习培训的这些英语单词全是来源于真实经历的情景或阅读文章的文字,那样的话记忆力的內容便会与工作经验情况联络起來。”
  6. Ignore the myths: age is just a number
  You are a monolingual adult: have you missed the language boat? Ralby argues “a key language myth is that it’s harder as an adult”. Adults and children may learn in different ways but that shouldn’t deter you from committing to learning another language. “Languages are simultaneously organic and systematic. As children we learn languages organically and instinctively; as adults we can learn them systematically.”
  If you’re still not convinced of your chances, Ralby suggests drawing inspiration from early philologists and founders of linguistics who “learned dozens of languages to encyclopaedic levels as adults”.
  6. 忽视这些知识点:年纪仅仅数据
  你是一个总是一种語言的成人:那麼你是不是早已错过学习培训一门新語言的机会了呢?罗一笑比说“有关学习语言的一个关键的知识点便是,成年人更难学好新語言。” 成人和少年儿童很有可能在学习方法上不一致,但这并不应该变成阻拦你学习培训另一门語言的阻碍。“語言是有机化学和系统软件的。幼儿学习語言的方式是有机化学和判断力的;而成人语言学习是系统软件的。” 若你要对于此事见解抱有疑虑,拉尔比提议从古时候思想家和应用语言学创办人的身上找寻启发,“这种博学者全是在成年人的情况下学好诸多語言的。”
  7. Do some revision of your native language
  Speaking your first language may be second nature, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you understand it well. Kerstin Hammes, editor of the Fluent Language Blog, believes you can’t make good progress in a second language until you understand your own. “I think understanding your native language and just generally how language works is so essential before you launch yourself at a bunch of foreign phrases.”
  7. 要多备考自身的汉语
  说自身的汉语可能是人的第二天性,但这并不代表着对你好地了解这门語言。流畅語言blog的编写斯图尔·哈梅斯(Kerstin Hammes)觉得除非是对你好地了解了自身的汉语,不然没法在第二语言的学习上获得发展。“我觉得了解自身的汉语及其了解語言怎样运行,这一点在你学习培训一堆外国语学校语汇以前是很重要的。”
  8. Don’t underestimate the importance of translation
  Different approaches may be necessary at different stages of the learning process. Once you have reached a certain level of proficiency and can say quite a bit, fairly accurately, Rebecca Braun, senior lecturer in German studies at Lancaster University, says it is typical to feel a slowing down in progress. “Translation,” she says, “is such an important exercise for helping you get over a certain plateau that you will reach as a language learner ... Translation exercises don’t allow you to paraphrase and force the learner on to the next level.”.
  8. 别小看了汉语翻译的必要性
  在语言学习的不一样全过程中,大家很有可能*须应用不一样的学习的方法。一旦你做到了一定的学习培训水准,英语口语非常好,精确度也还好的情况下,兰卡斯特高校法语科学研究*级教师丽贝卡·布劳恩(Rebecca Braun)说到这一环节,翻译练习在协助做为語言学生的你超越一个无法发展的平稳阶段是十分关键的……翻译练习不允许你开展诠释,这会驱使学生进到到高些一级的水准。
  9. Beware of fluency
  Many of the panellists were cautious of the F-word. Hammes argues not only is it difficult to define what fluency is, but “as a goal it is so much bigger than it deserves to be. Language learning never stops because it’s culture learning, personal growth and endless improvement. I believe that this is where learners go wrong”.
  9. 小心流畅性
  许多 特邀嘉宾针对“顺畅”这个词都持慎重心态。哈梅斯觉得这不仅是由于难以界定这个词,还由于做为个人目标,这不应该要把它放置这般高的影响力。语言学习的全过程从没停止,这是由于学习语言的全过程也是文化艺术学习培训的全过程,也是本人的发展,它会一直持续的提高。我觉得这就是英文学生搞错的地区。
  10. Go to where the language is spoken
  It may not be an option for everyone but Braun reminds us that “if you are serious about learning the language and getting direct pleasure from what you have learned, you need to go to where that language is spoken”.
  Travel and living abroad can complement learning in the classroom: “The books and verb charts may be the easiest way to ensure you expose yourself to the language at home, but the people and the culture will far outclass them once you get to the country where your language is spoken.”
  10. 去到说目标语言的地区



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