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When you are selecting a career there's a lot riding on your decision. You want to pick an occupation in which you can be successful for many years to come. While you can change careers, doing so can be effortful. It is easier if you don't have to do it too often. That means you should pick something that is not only suitable for you, but also can support you financially far into the future. Increase your chances of making a good decision by avoiding these very common mistakes.

如果你挑选岗位时,你的决策很有可能会危害许多 事儿。你自然期待挑选一个能够在未来的很多年内前程远大的岗位。虽然你能转行,可是这一般会消耗许多 的活力。假如不用常常换工作,日常生活便会越来越非常容易一些。这就代表着你应该挑选一个既合适你的,又可以一直确保你的经济来源的工作中。防止下列这种普遍不正确能够协助你做出合适你的决策。

Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Career:


1. Listening to People Who Tell You That You Should, or Should Not, Do Something: Many people think they should have a say in what career you choose—your parents, your friends, your significant other. They don't. In most cases, your decision will have little impact on the other people in your life. You, however, will have to deal with your choice for years to come. Make sure the career you choose is something you want to spend your day doing.

盲目跟风遵从这些对你说应当或不应该做什么的人:包括你的爸爸妈妈,盆友和直系亲属以内的很多人都是会觉得她们有权利对你的职业定位表达意见,实际上她们并沒有权利干预。在大部分状况下,自身情况了对你人生道路中的别人基本上不容易造成一切危害。殊不知,你自己却*须在未来的较长一段时间内对自身情况了承担。做决定以前* 你挑选的岗位就是你真实想干的。

2. Following in Someone Else's Footsteps: You may be haunted by your parents' expectations to go into the same occupation they are in. You may know it as the one that helped put food in your mouth, kept a roof over your head and even paid your way through school. As hard is it is to do, ignore the pressure you may feel to please your mom and dad. Remember, and if necessary, remind your parents, that they made their own choices and now it's your turn.


What was right for them may not be for you. In the long run, there's a good chance they'd rather see you happy in a career of your own choosing than unhappy in one you picked to please them.


3. Not Doing Your Homework: Don't choose a career without taking the time to learn about it. In addition to a job description, you should make sure to gather information about typical job duties, educational requirements, earnings and job outlook.


4. Not Talking to Those in the Know: Your homework isn't complete if you skip talking to someone who currently works in the career field you are considering. Those who are engaged in an occupation can provide you with a truthful account of what it's really like to work in it. If possible talk to a few people to avoid individual biases.


5. Going for the Money, Honey: Bringing home a paycheck is important, but the size of it isn't actually a great predictor of job satisfaction. In other words, you can make six figures but if you hate what you're doing you'll find it hard to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Look for a balance between making enough money to support yourself and work that fulfills you.


6. Ignoring Who You Are: Your personality type, interests, values and aptitudes make you better suited for some occupations than others. These traits are intrinsic, which means you can't change them. If you don't take them into account when selecting a career, there is an excellent chance you will wind up in an occupation that is unsuitable for you.


7. Not Considering Location, Location, Location: Jobs in certain occupations are concentrated in specific cities—New York or Los Angeles for example—or in certain types of locations—such as cities versus rural areas.


If you live somewhere that doesn't offer many opportunities in your field and you aren't willing to relocate, you will have trouble getting a job.

假如你的故乡并沒有许多 你期待从业行业的工作中机遇,但你又不愿去其他大城市,那麼你找个工作可能越来越出现异常艰难。

8. Not Looking Beyond a "Best Careers" List: Lists that tell you what careers have the best opportunities of the year, decade or whatever, can be a helpful guide when it comes to selecting a career. However, making a decision based solely on one of those lists is a terrible idea. Even an occupation with a great outlook can be a bad fit, so you have to scratch below the surface to find out whether you and a career are a good match.

把眼光局限性在这些光鲜亮丽岗位上:这些列举了本年度,或以往十年内发展前途**是的岗位的总榜在你挑选岗位的情况下会让你一些有效的具体指导。殊不知,只是借助这种总榜来挑选岗位便是糊涂了。一个前程锦绣的岗位很有可能彻底不宜你。因此 你需要去深层发掘你到底适不宜这一份工作中。

9. Ignoring the Future: While you shouldn't make your choice solely on an occupation's appearance on a "best careers list," to ignore employment outlook is careless.


There's a good chance you don't have a crystal ball that can tell you with certainty whether an occupation will grow, or at least be stable, during the course of your career. However, you can do more than hope for the best. You should consider whether a career has a promising future before you begin to prepare for it. You can at least eliminate something if its future looks bleak.

你并沒有推测球能够明确地对你说在你的职业发展中,这一份工作中是不是会越变越好,或最少是否会平稳。殊不知,除开往益处想以外,你要能够做许多 事儿。你一直在下手提前准备学生就业以前,应当对职业前景开展细心考量。假如看上去前途迷茫,你最少能够把它清除。


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