


成人英语学习网更新时间:2020-12-31 浏览:129

刚开始一份新工作中是令人既激动又担心的一件事。它给了你全新升级刚开始的机遇,有着一份新工作中,你也可以学习培训新物品、得到 超级技能、迎来挑战乃至结识新朋友。可是全部这种都是有很有可能令人觉得惶恐不安,那麼这7件事儿,你千万别去做!

1. Don't make assumptions about details like your hours

1. 不必主观臆断

Your manager or the human resources department should let you know what time to arrive at work and where to go when you get there. Sometimes people get busy and they forget to do things. If you don't have this information a couple of days before you are set to start your job, make a phone call. Don't assume you have to be there by a particular time—you don't want to be late. It's also worth finding out where you have to report. You don't want to wander around trying to figure out where you are supposed to be.


2. Don't ignore coworkers' offers of help


If one of your new coworkers offers to help you with something, graciously accept.


Many people welcome the opportunity to give assistance to others. It makes them feel good to do that and it will form the foundation of a good workplace relationship.


3. Don't turn down a lunch invitation

3. 不必回绝午饭邀约

While we're on the topic of workplace relationships, if one of your new coworkers or a group of them invite you to have lunch, accept the invitation.


What better way is there to start to get to know the people with whom you will spend a lot of time.


4. Don't get caught up in office gossip

4. 不必在办公室散播传闻

Whether it's over lunch or around the proverbial water cooler, gossip happens in every workplace. It's hard to ignore it and you probably shouldn't. Keep your ears open but your mouth closed. You may learn valuable information, for example, your boss's foul mood is due to his having a difficult time at home and isn't anything permanent. Under no circumstances should you contribute anything to the conversation, also remember that not everything you hear is true. Take time to make up your own mind.


5. Don't be unwilling to learn how to do something a new way

5. 勇于探索新方式办事

One of the best things about starting a new job, even if your job duties are basically the same, you will have the opportunity to change things up. You may discover new techniques for doing what you've done for a long time. It is important to be flexible. You may learn a better way to do your job or you may just find out that there's a different way to do it. It will keep things interesting.

刚开始一份新工作中的益处*是,即便 你的工作岗位职责类似,你也还有机会去更改一些事儿。实际上你能采用新的方法解决并未进行的工作中。灵便变化多端是很重要的。你很有可能学得一个更强的方式来进行此项工作中,或是是只是发觉有另一种方法。这将使事儿看上去很趣味。

6. Don't complain about your former boss or coworkers


When you talk about your negative relationships with your prior boss or coworkers, you are allowing people at your new job to create a story about what actually happened. You may assume they will cast you as the hero, but since they don't know you yet, they may instead see you as the villain. Your new coworkers may also wonder if you will one day be bashing them. Save your gripes for your friends and family or, better yet, just drop the whole thing. You're in a new and hopefully better place now.


7. Don't share personal information

7. 不必共享私人信息

It is often unwise to share personal information with your coworkers but it is especially a bad idea to do so when you first begin working with them. You need time to get to know them so you can decide who will keep that information confidential, who will spread gossip about you and who will seize the opportunity to use that information to undermine your authority.


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