


成人英语学习网更新时间:2020-12-31 浏览:134

做哪些事让求职失败的你重拾信心,你是一个学生或是一个新大学毕业生而且,即便 尽了较大 勤奋,在今年夏天仍一无所获。沒有实习岗位。没有工作。沒有很帅的旅游机遇。啥都没有。更槽糕的是,每一次查询社交网络,你需要应对小伙伴们的这些照片,要不与马可·扎克伯格在一起,要不解救人们,要不Instagram上展现周游世界找乐子。生活是场恶梦,对么?行吧,请先别慌。大家早已资询了一些岗位*威专家,而且她们也共享了一些解救夏季失落感的方式。

Don’t give up


Believe it or not, you haven't missed your chance at a summer gig.


TopResume career expert Amanda Augustine says that there's still time to snag an internship for the rest of the summer.

TopResume 岗位*威专家阿曼达·奥古斯丁说在夏季剩下的日子里,你仍有时间迅速得到 一个实习岗位。

"The internship has become the new entry-level position," Augustine says. "In fact, many 'entry-level' roles now require between one and three — and sometimes even five — years of relevant experience. If you don't pursue numerous relevant internships while in college, you will be at a disadvantage upon graduation."


So you've got to be persistent and keep trying, even if you feel discouraged.

因此 即便 觉得消沉,你也要坚持不懈并维持试着。

Youtern CEO and founder Mark Babbitt says that there are plenty of companies still looking for interns — they just might not know it yet. He recommends pursuing a certain type of organization.


"Find a nimble organization that makes decisions quickly," Babbitt says. "Learn everything you can about them: their mission, products or services, leadership team, customer base, etc. Then walk in with a plan that outlines how you can help them over the summer. Precedent shows the tactic of designing your own internship, while certainly not the 'easy' way, is highly effective; most employers will react well to your entrepreneurial approach."


Talk to your network


It's important to remember that you're not alone.


Ryan Kahn, a career coach, founder of The Hired Group, and author of "How To Get Hired" and "Hired! The Guide for the Recent Grad," recommends reaching out to your contacts in order to commiserate and learn about potential opportunities.


"Although you may feel like you're the only one who can't find a job, you're not," Kahn says. "And even experienced professionals can relate to your situation, because at some point in all of our careers, we were all unemployed. Everyone can sympathize with this, which makes your network an invaluable resource, both professionally and emotionally."

“尽管很有可能觉得你是**找工作难的人,但你不是,”卡西利亚斯说,“即便 阅历丰富的专业人员也很有可能碰到这类状况,由于在大家职业发展的某一情况下全是没有工作的。每一个人都怜悯你的遭受,这使你的社交圈在技术专业和感情上面变成稀世珍宝。”

Augustine agrees, saying that identifying people who've already walked your intended career path is crucial.


"Leverage your network to identify people who are in your desired field or industry, and set up an informational interview to learn more about your potential career path," Augustine says. "These activities will help navigate your career in the right direction and provide meaningful talking points when a prospective employer asks, 'So, what have you been up to?'"


Babbitt notes that the summer is a great time to establish or rekindle relationships with mentors.


"Invite as many influencers as possible to informational interviews or video calls," Babbit says. "Begin speaking with potential mentors and build (or rebuild) relationships with existing mentors."


Go back to school


Summer school may sound dreadful, but TalentZoo president Amy Hoover recommends using your newfound free time to enroll in online coursework. You can gain new skills to supplement your past or upcoming classes.

夏季的院校很有可能听起来令人厌恶,可是TalentZoo的现任主席格蕾斯·胡佛强烈推荐应用你新获得的空闲時间来申请注册网上课程。你可以得到 超级技能来填补以往或是未来的课程内容。

"While it's not real world work experience, it shows commitment to your field and that you're motivated to keep busy," Hoover says. "And, you can still keep a paying job on the side."


Augustine also encourages individuals to pursue professional development opportunities.


"There are countless free and low-cost training opportunities through sites like Udemy,Coursera, edX, Skillshare, and Lynda.com," says Augustine.

“在例如 Udemy、Coursera、edX、 Skillshare 和 Lynda.com这种网址,有数不尽的完全免费或是低花费的学习培训机遇,”奥古斯廷说。

Babbitt adds that learning opportunities also exist outside the classroom.


"Other options include job shadowing, self-learning and attending relevant regional and national conventions (many have steep discounts for students)," Babbitt says.


Consider volunteering


Putting your skills to work in a volunteer position might be a good way to bulk up your résumé and give back.


"Volunteer at an organization that could benefit from coursework you've taken," Hoover says. "You can consider this an unpaid internship, and of course can still have a part time paying job too."


Kahn agrees, saying volunteering is a great way to start building relevant work experience.


"Figure out where you can add value and offer those services," Kahn says. "Even if it's as basic as stuffing envelopes, that experience will help build your reputation as a hard worker, not to mention open doors for a paying gig."

“弄搞清楚在哪儿能得到 升值并出示这种服务项目,”卡西利亚斯说,“即便 简易的塞信封袋的工作经验也可以协助你搭建一名认真工作职工的好知名度,更不要说开启有工资的工作中的大门。”

Get online


Personal websites are a must for anyone in the job market. Plus, they're super easy to set up, so you have no excuse not to have one. Hoover encourages job seekers to set up a personal site immediately.

个人网页是在人力资源市场的每一个应聘者的一个必需因素。此外,创建个人网页非常非常容易,因此 你没理由不有着一个。胡佛激励应聘者马上创建一个个人网页。

"Future employers respond well to a nicely designed website that showcases your professional goals and personal interests," Hoover says. "There are free and easy ways to create and host websites where you can then keep your résumé, blog posts, social media profiles, school projects, and applicable portfolio pieces in one place. Summer downtime is perfect to make sure your site is up to date and looking its best."


On the social media side of things, Augustine recommends resources like Internships.com,CollegeRecruiter.com, LookSharp.com (formerly InternMatch), and YouTern.com. Augustine also encourages job seekers to get active on social media, following Twitter accounts that post about opportunities and building up a LinkedIn presence.

有关社交网络层面的事儿,奥古斯廷强烈推荐一些例如Internships.com、CollegeRecruiter.com、LookSharp.com (原是InternMatch)和YouTern.com的資源。奥古斯廷激励应聘者在社交网络主要表现活跃性,跟踪twiter帐户公布的机遇并多在领英出現。

Join the club ... any club


Having a summer gig is not just about career opportunities. It also gives you something to do every day.


Kahn says there's strength in numbers when it comes to facing a potentially boring summer.


"There's a club for everything these days, and you don't need a job to join one. Scour LinkedIn, Twitter, and Meetup.com for events and clubs that pique your interest and participate as much as possible."


Lower your expectations


Recent grads struggling to find a job may be skeptical of taking an internship. That's a big mistake, according to Augustine.

在勤奋找一份工作中的新大学毕业生很有可能会对得到 实习岗位猜疑。但依据奥格斯廷的叫法,那时一个非常大的不正确。

"There are many companies willing to hire a recent college graduate for a paid internship position. This is a great way to boost your resume, gain valuable experience, learn new, marketable skills, and expand your professional network."

“很多企业想要聘请一名新大学生毕业来从业有工资的实习岗位。这是一个非常好的提高你个人简历、得到 珍贵工作经验、学习培训新专业知识、销售市场方法和拓展技术专业互联网的机遇。”

Choose your summer job wisely


Perhaps you've done everything you can and you still can't find an internship, full-time job, or an acceptable substitute. Now's the time to get creative and look for a part-time job that'll allow you to explore and gain some new experience.


"For instance, if you’re considering a career in education, look into positions that will allow you to test out your teaching or coaching skills, such as a swim instructor, babysitter, tutor, or camp counselor," Augustine says. "You can also take on a retail role, such as a cashier, in a business that falls within your desired industry."


Establish a routine


Searching a summer opportunity is super stressful. Still, find the time to take a break.


"Set aside a set time each day that's reserved for your job search," Kahn says. "And when that time is up, stop. Treat your job search like a job, and give yourself the space to unwind and focus on life outside work when you’re done. Work-life balance applies to job hunting, too!"


Take care of yourself


Remember, not having anything to do this summer really isn't the end of the world. Maybe it's the perfect opportunity to relax and regroup before embarking on your next step.


"When you're uber focused on finding a job, it's easy to put everything else in your life on hold," says Kahn. "Don't do this. Exercise, eat well, and spend time with family and friends. It may not seem like it at first, but the investment you make in your personal health will pay off the instant you land your first interview."

“当彻底聚焦点找个工作时,你非常容易将你日常生活的别的事延期,”卡西利亚斯说,“别这样做。锻练、吃好并花些時间陪亲人和盆友。先是看上去并没什么,可是个人健康项目投资将在你刚开始*一个招聘面试的情况下得到 收益。

因此 你了解该怎么做了没有?绝不能放弃,去做一些给你丰富快乐的事,而且要照顾自己哦!好啦,看了本文的你,是否有学英语的要求呢?那科别舍弃哦!添加我们的英语培训机构吧!给你今年夏天丰富每一天~


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