


成人英语学习网更新时间:2020-12-31 浏览:86

要是有公司办公室或是别的工作场所,便会有男女关系。因为大家同事共渡难关,花销很多的時间在工作上,社会发展和岗位日常生活经常交错在一起。即便 当他们实际上并不那麼烂漫时,这种关联也一般越来越十分亲密无间。留意!当工作中关联发展趋势到情侣关联时,这一关联自身就很可能会造成难题,要当心呀!

While meeting someone at work can be great for your social life, it can be like a train wreck as far as your career is concerned. When you are thinking logically, you know you should avoid an office romance. Sometimes, however, your good judgement goes awry. You just find that man or woman too irresistible. Before you know it, you are fully immersed in a liaison with a colleague. If you end up in this situation, these rules cab help you minimize the impact it has on your career.


1. B Discreet:


With social networking sites and tv reality shows encouraging us to let the world witness our most private moments, discretion has become a dying art. When you are having a workplace romance, you are much better keeping it private than you are flaunting it in front of your coworkers. This doesn't necessarily mean you should lie about your relationship but you shouldn't put it all out there for everyone to watch unfold either. You don't want to become the talk of the office.


2. Set Rules and Have an Exit Plan:


Make sure you and your partner are on the same page about your relationship. Before you get more involved, decide how you will proceed as far as the office is concerned. For example, will you try to keep it a secret or will you let others know about it? Even though it is quite unpleasant to think about the possibility of your relationship not lasting just as it is beginning, you should figure out how you will handle it if that unfortunate event does occur.

* 你与拍挡对大家关联的念头一致。在你坠入爱河的涡旋以前,从公司办公室状况考虑到,决策将该怎么办。比如,你是尝试保守秘密還是让别人了解?尽管在刚开始时就考虑到大家关联不容易长期,这会令人不愉快,但假如悲剧的确发生了,你应该知道如何处理。

3. Be Honest With Each Other:


Honesty is, of course, important in any relationship. Dishonesty can increase the bitterness that often accompanies the end of a romance . When you have to see each other regularly, as will be the case with someone with whom you work, you certainly don't want to make things even worse than they would ordinarily be.


4. Don't Let Your Feelings Get in the Way of Your Job:


This may take quite a bit of effort, but if your feelings for your partner influence how you do your job, you may find yourself looking for new ones (job and partner both). You may, for instance, be hesitant to critique your partner's work even if it is your job to do so. If you can't do that, you are doing your employer a grave disservice and it may be time to move on or ask for a transfer to another department that would keep you from working together in that capacity.

这很有可能*须花销一些活力,但若你对搭挡的觉得危害来到工作中时,你很有可能*须找寻新的工作中和搭挡。例如,即便 应当由你抨击拍挡的工作中,你很有可能会迟疑。假如你做不到,便会对老总导致巨大损失。或许这也是*须更改或是规定转到另一个单位的情况下了,那样可使你将工作中和感情分离。

5. Stay Within the Law:


Make sure your feelings are mutual and that your partner does not feel any sort of pressure to stay in the relationship. Sexual harassment suits are unpleasant for everyone involved. Be aware of what constitutes sexual harassment and avoid doing anything that can invite those accusations.

* 大家的觉得是互相的,而且你的情侣在大家的关联中不容易觉得有工作压力。性侵犯纠纷案让每一个牵扯在其中的人也不开心。留意性侵犯的组成因素并防止做些造成 该类提起诉讼的事儿。

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