


成人英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-03 浏览:101

出差旅游是创建和发展趋势取得成功工作的全过程中难以避免的构成部分。即便 你的绝大多数手机联系人全是当地顾客,你也还得海外乃至出国参加或主持人同行业的商务洽谈。不管你是不是乐此不疲,独自一人交通出行或许会带去在旅途的许多快乐。在贴近大会举办时,你能察觉自己独自一人在宾馆的屋子里,脑子里填满着对亲人和盆友的想念。可是生命的旅程也无须这般孤独。你能做这种事儿促使旅程更为趣味。下边这种小事儿能协助你一直在一切一个大城市里都能觉得开心自得,不管旅程全过程中是不是有伙伴。

1. Dine out.


Sure, you can eat in your hotel room and watch Seinfeld reruns, but that won’t help stave off loneliness. Instead, choose a top-notch local restaurant and enjoy an evening of fine dining. If the thought of sitting at a table alone fills you with dread, choose a venue with live music. You can also sit at the bar, where you can sometimes strike up a conversation with bartenders and fellow solo diners. Try to do a little research in advance and plan this out before you even get on a plane.


2. See the sights.

2. 旅游观光游玩。

You don’t have to sightsee alone, even if you don’t have a travel partner. If you have a free afternoon, join a tour group that will take you around the city. If you’re only free after five p.m., look for a few local attractions that are open for tours at night. Usually these tours are either conducted as groups or through pre-recorded tours where everyone wears headphones. You’ll be able to learn more about the local area and you may meet a few interesting people along the way.

即便 在差旅费的全过程中你没有同伴,你无须独自一人去旅游观光游玩。假如你有一个空余的中午,那么就添加旅游团,让它带著你游玩全部城市吧。假如你只在黄昏后才可以空出時间,那么就找一些本地的游览新项目。一般这种旅行线路要不构成精英团队要不便会预录成旅游观光片让游客携带手机耳机倾听。那样你也就能消化吸收大量本地的历史人文新闻资讯,或许还能旅途中中结交几个趣味的盆友呢。

3. Strike up conversations with strangers.


If you’re in the mood for a chat and a phone call home doesn’t satisfy that craving, head downstairs to the lobby. You may find a few other bored strangers, eager to hang out and talk. Throughout your trip, get to know the front desk clerks, doormen, concierge, and valets and chat with them as you can. Even a few minutes of conversation can go far in helping stave off feelings of loneliness.

假如你要和陌生人聊天,而给家中通电话还不能给你消遣,何不下楼梯到宾馆服务厅吧。或许你能寻找好多个一样觉得低沉想找他人闲聊的路人。在全部旅途中,你能去了解前台接待的工作员,魔犬或服务生,随后跟她们闲聊。即便 是短短十多分钟闲聊,也可以大大的减轻旅程的无力感。

4. Find local meetups.

4. 添加本地聚会活动。

In every town, on any day of the week, there are at least a few events happening. Join a gym with multiple locations nationwide and use that membership while you’re traveling. This will allow you to keep your usual workout routine, which may give you that feeling of being at home. This can be especially beneficial if your trip lasts longer than a few days.


5. Use a co-working space.


Coworking spaces are showing up around the country, offering professionals office space for rent for a few hours, entire days, or months at a time. Check into local coworking spaces where you can connect to Wi-Fi, access printers and copiers if needed, and interact with local professionals. Some organizations will even let you try their space for free the first time, the way some gyms do. In addition to helping you get out of your hotel room, this move may also help you make valuable business connections in a city far away from your own.


After a long day of meetings, some professionals simply want to spend time alone, relaxing and unwinding. However, after a day or two, solo traveling can be draining. By leaving your hotel room and exploring local restaurants, attractions, and events, you may find that you’re able to make your business trips more enjoyable and productive than ever before.历经了一天出来的大会,一些技术专业工作人员只为独自一人交往,释放压力和缓存自身。殊不知,过去了1,2天后,独立的旅途便会消耗人的活力。因此 ,放弃你的宾馆屋子,去探索本地的餐饮店,游玩观光胜地,参加聚会活动,你能发觉差旅费分配能够比以前的更绘声绘色。



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