


成人英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-04 浏览:121

如今,从你的老总到竞争者,及其别的很多人,都会不断不断查询你的LinkedIn个人信息、Twitter信息内容和Facebook网页页面,因而,自身推销产品要遭遇极大的工作压力。虽然你期待自身能尽量多地发布blog、文章或是得到大量的“赞”,但谁又会一整天都呆在社交网络上呢?在《财富》新一代*具知名度女士高峰会(Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Next Gen Summit)上,约100名新势力女士管理者就这个难题开展了探讨。

On a panel discussion featuring Nicole Williams, the career expert at LinkedIn and Brandee Barker, a co-founder and partner at Pramana Collective, these experts weighed in on how time-strapped execs can most effectively use social media to promote themselves.

在一个小组讨论大会上,LinkedIn岗位*威专家妮可•威廉姆斯和公关活动公司Pramana Collective创始人兼合作伙伴布兰迪•巴克尔等*威专家,就時间珍贵的管理层们怎样最有效地运用社交网络开展自身宣传策划,发布了分别的见解。

1. Be passionate or lie

1. 对工作中填满热情,或是掩藏有热情

It needs to come across immediately that you are interested and engaged in the work you are doing, says Williams from LinkedIn. If you don’t convey a true passion for your job and what you are doing on a daily basis, then no one is going to want to engage with you on social media in the first place. What if you’re not passionate about work? Your options are simple, says Williams: Find a new job or lie about why you’re passionate.


2. Pick your points

2. 挑选适合的话题讨论

You can’t be an expert at everything. At the same time, you don’t have the time to tweet, blog and post about a myriad of topics on a daily basis. A better strategy is to hone in of what is truly important to you, says Barker of Pramana Collective. Also, all of your “talking points” don’t necessarily have to be about work. In fact, it’s good to show your human side by showcasing your hobbies and interests outside of the office. Ask yourself what your big focus areas are and create a social identity around them.

你不太可能诸事熟练。并且,每日有成千上万的话题讨论,你也没有时间对于每一个话题讨论发布文章、blog和贴子。Pramana Collective的巴克尔觉得,更强的对策是用心科学研究真实对自身关键的话题讨论。除此之外,你的“交谈关键点”不一定所有都和工作中相关。实际上,根据展现工作中以外的兴趣爱好和兴趣爱好来主要表现个性化的一面,是一种非常好的对策。问一问自身最关心的行业是啥,随后紧紧围绕这种行业建立一个社会发展真实身份。

3. Speak in first person

3. 讲话时应用*一人称

One of Williams’ biggest LinkedIn pet peeves is when people write their profiles in the third person. It sounds so impersonal and like you are farming out your writing to someone who works for you, she said. Changing your summary on LinkedIn to the first person makes you sound more human and tells readers that you are connected to your work.


4. Tell a story

4. 讲感动故事

People love telling and hearing stories, says Barker. That’s just a fact of life. Take that notion and apply it to what you do on social media. A blog post is best when its filled with real life anecdotes. The best tweets are those that give context as opposed to just straight links and headlines.


5. ‘Beat your chest’

5. 胆大展现自身的造就

This one is particularly difficult for women, says Barker, but it’s extremely important to own and showcase your accomplishments to their full extent when thinking about an identity online. Women tend to downplay their leadership on a specific initiative or project. “Beat your chest,” says Barker, because you’re the only one who really knows the true extent of your power or authority in a particular field.

巴克尔表明,这一点针对女士特别是在艰难,但在互联网上寻找认可的情况下,认可和较大 水平展现自身的造就,十分关键。针对自身在某种主题活动或新项目中的领导干部功效,女士通常会一笑了之。巴克尔表明:“要胆大展现自身的造就,”由于你在某一特殊行业中有着如何的权利或*威性,唯有你自身真实清晰。


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