


成人英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-04 浏览:108


When you start your own business you need to make quick decisions and act on your feet to keep your assets intact. Learning new skills can also be very valuable, but I get it, there’s never a moment to spare. Wouldn't it be nice to have an edge and actually consume information and learn new skills faster?


Here’s the good news: this checklist will help you become a faster learner in any area:


1.Find someone with an edge.

1. 找寻有专长的大家。

I listen to Tim Ferriss’s podcast a lot. He’s the author of The 4-Hour Workweek and he mentions his new television show The Tim Ferriss Experiment where he has to quickly learn a new language, how to drive a racecar and become a great poker player.

小编常常接听Tim Ferriss的播客。他是The 4-Hour Workweek的主持人,他还讨论了他的新电视栏目The Tim Ferriss Experiment,他在综艺节目里务必迅速学好一门新語言,怎样安全驾驶一辆跑车,及其变成优异的扑克游戏游戏玩家。

For him the challenge is learning enough of the new skills to be competent and not make a fool of himself on TV. So how does he do it? He says the quickest way to learn something is to find someone who shouldn’t excel at a skill but does anyway. For example, a short basketball player: What’s his trick? Understanding that you might have to go the least likely route to learn on the fly will help you overcome more obstacles in your business. Look for the solutions that are a little counterintuitive.

针对他而言,挑戰是学好充足的超级技能,让自身工作能力更强,而不是在电视上戏弄自身。那麼他是怎样办得到的?他表明,最迅速的学技能方式 便是寻找在某一行业有着技能的人。例如,个子矮小的运动员:成功秘诀是啥?认识自己可以根据最少的投篮路经,进而清除一切阻碍。与众不同。

2.Don’t sweat the small stuff.

2. 不局限于小事儿。

When we’re trying to get a grip on something new, it’s easy to get bogged down by the details. Instead, try to focus on the big picture. If you’re trying to learn a new language you should start with the most frequently used phrases. Once you grasp the key concepts, the rest should flow more easily.


3.Chop up your big project.

3. 分散化大方案。

Make bite-sized and attainable goals for yourself. That way you’ll be more likely to attain them and set yourself up for success. Having defined deadlines with very actionable tasks will get you to the finish line faster. For instance, if you need to learn new software, break down all the ways it will help you during you day and learn to use it in pieces.


4.Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

4. 不害怕犯错误。

When you’re first starting out you should expect to do a bit of trial and error. Pushing yourself to get everything right just adds unnecessary stress and pressure. Go easy on yourself.


5.Ask for help.


Pride has a tendency to get in our way. When we’re complete novices at something we often don’t mind looking for advice. However, as soon as we start to find our feet, we suddenly stop asking for help. Why is that? Most people are happy to share some of their wisdom, so why stop asking for it now? I always like to reach out to the best of the best for any topic and often I'll find that person is more than happy to give me a helping hand.


6.Reward yourself.

6. 犒劳。

Learning something new can be quite a big task. It is something that takes time and dedication. You might find yourself going weeks without any progress. So how do you keep up your moral? Make sure to reward yourself for each step you take. It doesn’t have to be something huge, just enough to keep you going. Manicures and rounds of golf work well for personal bribery.



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