


成人英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-05 浏览:125

要想多多的聆听自身大型商场上的顾客,但是沒有寻找适合的方式 ?实际上,这一点压根不用愁,尽管大家校园内里并沒有学习培训过工作中的方式 ,可是如今学习培训也为时未晚。今日,美联英语的教师就给你详细介绍怎样仔细认真聆听自身顾客响声的方式 ,来协助你完成聆听和服务项目!

For the most part, business owners are desperately making sure they don't miss any opportunity to record every touch point customers have with the company. But then what?


Turn your understanding of your customers into opportunities for real, meaningful connections with them. Listen to what they are really saying, not just their responses to surveys, but what they tell you when they do business (or stop doing business) with your company.


Your most precious asset, no matter what business you have, is your existing customers. You expended considerable effort to entice these folks to do business with you. So why not intensely focus on their behavior as they do business with you? Rather than comb through the endless data about them, talk to them.


Talk to them when they arrive at your place of business. Talk to them when you deliver your service to them. Talk to them when they call. They will tell you what's really on their minds, and you can take that feedback and use it to improve their experience.


Throughout my professional life, I have lived in densely populated urban centers, so my expectations for customer service have ebbed over the past 20 years. Now I live in a rural part of the Midwest. Moving there was a lifestyle choice that I'm glad I made. As I have settled into my life away from the city, I'm having experiences that amaze me.

在小编的职业发展里,一直日常生活在人口密集的大城市里,因此 在这里20年里,我对顾客的服务项目希望早已慢慢消散了。现如今我去了在西部地区的一个小村庄。我觉得迁居到此是一个明智的选择。正由于我早已杜绝大城市,所以我更希望可以碰到使我震撼的历经。

For instance, when someone arrives to fix a phone or repair a furnace, they are my neighbors. We talk about what's going on, and they listen to my concerns. Recently a propane delivery fellow was talking with me as he filled up the propane tank. I mentioned that there seemed to be a problem with the valve not properly reporting the level of propane in the tank.


What did he do? The next day -- that's right, the next day -- he came back with a replacement valve for the tank. Now that was impressive. His great service didn't end there. He said, "I'll see about getting you a credit for the propane that was lost due to this faulty valve." I thought, Sure, I'll never see that. A week later, I received a notice from the propane company that a credit had been applied to my account in an amount that exceeded any expectation I had.

随后你猜猜他有下面干了什么事情?第二天,没有错,就在第二天,他回来帮我拆换了一个天燃气阀。实在太惊讶了!但是他的友好并沒有停步。他说道:"我想* 你的燃气服务项目获得确保。"我敢确保,我从未碰到那么好的服务项目。一周后,我接到一封来源于燃气公司的通告,上边表明我的天然气管帐户早已根据申请办理银行信贷,它是远超我的预估的。

You may be asking, "How can this type of customer listening be used in larger businesses?" Easy! Every business connects with its customers every day. Capturing these interactions and translating what customers are saying as they do business with the company will, in my opinion, prove to be more valuable than all the big data you will ever collect.

或许你能问,"大型企业如何可以像那样征求消费者要求呢?"非常简单!時刻与顾客维持紧密联系。认真注意和讲解每一处顾客与企业商谈的关键点,就小编来讲, 这比一切搜集的数据信息都有效得多。


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