平常在办公室寡言少语,大老爷们味十足的混蛋跟他闺女发言时很有可能会变为此外一个人。大型商场上尖酸刻薄的职场女人在另一半眼前也可能是低声细语、温柔体贴的模样。那样的人物角色变化大家都不生疏,也许每日都是在历经。因此 ,假如身旁有一个男性隔三差五用 girlfriend voice跟女朋友讲话,大伙儿也不会感觉太新奇吧。假如,你要试着更为高品质的英文原材料和更为特惠的英语培训班价钱,何不试着报考美联英语吧!
Girlfriend voice refers to the change in pitch or tone of a man's voice when talking to their significant other. The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words.
女朋友专用型调(girlfriend voice)指男性在跟自身的另一半讲话时音调和语调上的转变。这类转变关键反映为:音调提升、语气更显溫柔,而且时常掺杂着各种各样亲密的称呼和孩子气的語言。
This type of speech is usually frowned upon when used in the presence of other men. When another man uses this voice they will usually receive a fair amount of ridicule.
有别的男性到场的状况下,这类语气一般 会被不屑一顾。如果有男性用这类语气讲话,常常会遭受讽刺。
For example:
Did you hear Bob's wicked girlfriend voice when he was talking to Lisa? Let’s give him some whip.