


成人英语学习网更新时间:2020-12-30 浏览:275


1. Avoid the treats


The birthday doughnuts or the homemade chocolate cookies from colleagues may be tempting, but the experts say to avoid them at all costs. Research from the Royal College of Surgeons has shown the office cake culture, in which workers bring in treats for birthdays and celebrations, is fueling obesity and dental problems.


Psychologist Corinne Sweet explained how you can avoid temptation. She said: "Temptation will always present itself. You have to plan a course of action to curb your vulnerability to being seduced by something you know will trigger your need to snack. This may take effort and time, as we often hang on to what is familiar, but if you stick to it, you will soon be reaping the rewards."


2. Make a packed lunch


Not only will making your lunch at home save you money, but you can also make sure it is packed full of nutrients without the high sugar, salt and fat you find in many fast food grab-and-go meals.

在家里自做午饭不但划算,还能够* 午饭饱含营养元素,不象很多便捷中式快餐那般高糖高热量高盐高脂。

Fast food lunches "rarely provide you with enough veg, fiber and good quality protein to keep hunger at bay and blood sugar levels stable throughout the afternoon," explained nutritionist Lily Soutter. "A great blood-sugar balancing lunch is essential for preventing that post-afternoon energy slump, as well as keeping hunger at bay."

营养专家丽娅·苏特表述称,中式快餐类午饭非常少能出示足够给你全部中午也不觉得挨饿、血糖维持在平稳水准的蔬菜水果、化学纤维和蛋白质食物。有利于均衡血糖值的午饭对避免 下午没精打采、杜绝饥饿的感觉是必不可少的。

3. Top up vitamin D levels


Spending short periods of time in the sunshine is a great way to top up your vitamin D levels, but if it's pouring outside or you truly can't leave your desk, there are other ways, such as eating plenty of oily fish.

晒一小一会儿太阳是提升 维他命D水准的好方法,但假如外边倾盆大雨或是你确实没法离去办公室桌子,也有一些别的的方式能够做到这类实际效果,例如多吃油溶性鱼种。

"The best way to get vitamin D is from spending lots of time in the sun, but if this is not an option, try taking a supplement," advised nutritionist Cassandra Barns.


4. Leave your screen at lunch


Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson of Superfood UK said get away from your desk when you're eating if you can, or at least keep your eyes off the screen.

Superfood UK的营养专家修纳·威金森表明,假如很有可能得话,用餐时离去办公室桌子,或是最少双眼别再盯住显示屏了。

She said: "It is important for our digestive systems to sit up straight while eating and eat slowly. If you want to enjoy your food make sure you look at it while you are eating and take the time to savor the flavors."

她表明,用餐时坐直、少食多餐对大家的消化道而言很重要。假如你要享有特色美食,* 用餐的情况下看见食材、花一点时间细细品味食材的味道。

5. Stay hydrated


Remember to drink plenty of water, advised the nutritionists, as keeping hydrated is important for brain function. Dehydration can lead to headaches and fatigue.

营养专家提议,还记得多饮水,由于维持充裕的水份对大脑神经很重要。少水很有可能造成 头痛和疲倦。

"We should be aiming for two liters of water per day," Shona said.


6. Up your steps


Even some gentle exercise everyday will improve your health, the experts said. They suggested taking a walk at lunch time - but if you can't fit this in, podiatrist Dave Wain at Carnation Footcare has some other suggestions.

*威专家称,即便 每日开展一些柔和健身运动也有益身体健康。她们提议在午餐时间散散心,但假如你做不到,Carnation Footcare的足浴师戴夫·韦恩有一些其他提议。

"Change your route to work. Even by adding an extra five minutes of walking to your journey, you'll up your step count."

"更改你的出行路经。即便 仅仅在出行道上多踏入五分钟,也可以提升你的行走计步。"

7. Don't eat when stressed


Avoid heading for the cookie tin after a stressful meeting, the experts advised. They said try sitting down for lunch without talking too much, focusing on your meal.


"By focusing on conversation rather than the eating, this may interfere with the digestive process," advised Shona Wilkinson. "It's also important to chew properly, at least 30 times each mouthful."


8. De-stress with a to-do list


If you don't have time to go out and clear your head on your lunch break, the experts advised writing a to-do list to gather your thoughts.


"If you feel the symptoms of stress coming on, learn to get your priorities right," advised Marliyn Glenville, author of "Natural Alternatives to Sugar". "Learn to say no if you feel that you have taken on too much. Being assertive is invigorating and empowering. It also helps to make lists of what is, or is not, a priority, and to tackle the priority tasks first."


9. Clean your desk


Desks have been known to harbor 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat - stomach-churning news for those who eat at their desks.


Try to spare five minutes a day to give your desk a tidy up and a clean.


10. Embrace fidgeting


Are you naturally someone who feels like they constantly have to move, whether that's simply tapping your foot, or swinging on your chair?


Some studies have suggested this could actually help you burn a few calories, so embrace your fidgeting.

一些科学研究早已说明,那样实际上能够帮你耗费小量热量,因此 添加"心神不安"精兵吧!


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