


成人英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-04 浏览:164


1. Use your full name when meeting potential clients or new collegues.


Beyonce, Adele, Shakira have the whole one name thing covered. The rest of us down here on earth have two names—use them when introducing yourself.


2. There are no excuses for not completing work, getting to work on time, or making a mistake.

2. 回绝任何借口来表述没完成工作中、晚到或犯错误。

Apologize and fix the problem. Everyone makes mistakes, if you’re not making any then you’re probably not going outside of your comfort zone and trying new things. The important thing is not to over-explain, just work to correct the issue and keep it moving.


3. Disregard # 2 when you haven’t made any mistakes.

3. 你没犯错误时,请忽视上一点。

Women have a tendency to apologize in the workplace, even when we’ve done nothing wrong. While you may think you’re merely being polite, you’re actually hurting your image. Think about it: If you’re apologizing all the time, people may interpret this behavior as a sign of weakness or a lack of conviction. So, whether you’re closing a business deal or negotiating your compensation, don’t be apologetic.

女士更想要在职人员场中致歉,虽然大家压根没犯错哪些。尽管你认为这会看起来更文明礼貌,实际上那样早已损害了你的*牌形象。用心想一想:假如你无时无刻都会致歉,大伙儿很有可能便会将其了解为柔弱或欠缺信心的数据信号。因此 ,无论是在做买卖,還是探讨赔偿难题,你都不必歉疚连篇。

4. Don’t take it personally.

4. 不必把难题个性化。

“Women, especially, need to realize that business choices and decisions are often made without regard to whether they are liked or their work is appreciated,” says Arlyne Diamond, Ph.D., a management consultant and professional development coach in Santa Clara, California. Just because someone in the office takes a pass on an idea of yours doesn’t mean they don’t like you. It’s not about you. It should be about the greater goal of making the business successful. You need to be a part of team or it will be personal when people begin to think all you want is your own success and really begin to resent you.


5. Don’t s**t where you eat.

5. 勿用餐时爆粗口。

It’s a place of business. Be friendly, but not overly personal with co-workers. They’re not your therapist if you had a rough night with your partner or your father confessor if you had a rough night at a bar. Building healthy relationships with co-workers is important, but draw the line, and be aware, some of these people may be in a position to raise you to the next level, or help you if you become their boss. Be the team leader.


Lastly, the greatest mistake women make, and studies have shown it, is to sublimate their self-assurance in their undying efforts to “be liked”. A report, published last year by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, concludes that women who are assertive and confident, “but who can turn these traits on and off” depending on the circumstance “get more promotions than either men or other women.”

最终,据科学研究显示信息,女士犯的较大 不正确,便是蜂拥而至把信心提高为“火爆”。斯坦福大学商学院研究室上年公布的汇报称,坚定不移、信心但又能追随自然环境“显示信息或掩藏这种特性”的女性,“更易遭受别人的毫无疑问,不管男孩和女孩。”

It’s less important to be liked at work than it is to be triumphant. That’s a win-win for everyone.




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