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坚信许多人与我一样,都很反感那类个人行为粗暴的人,应对这样的人,或许下边的10个方式 能够处理。

1. Remember, sometimes the rude person is you.

1. 别忘记你自己很有可能也是有粗暴的情况下。

Maybe not today, but there’ve been times when you were rude. And you’re not a bad person. So next time somebody’s rude to you, remember that they’re human just like you, and rudeness alone doesn’t mean they’re a bad person either.

不一定是今日,但你毫无疑问经历不礼貌的情况下。但是这并不表明你品性极端。因此 ,下一次如果有些人得罪你,别忘记她们跟你一样也是平常人,不必仅凭粗暴就评定她们是坏蛋。

2. Don’t take it personally (even if it’s personal).

2. 就算简直对于你本人的,也不必太往内心去。

When someone’s rude—especially if they’re making personal comments about you—it’s easy to get upset. But you have a choice about how you react. Take the power out of their rudeness by choosing to treat it as their problem, not your problem.


3. Find out why.

3. 找到缘故。

People have their own reasons for being rude. Perhaps they’ve had a bad day, or they’re in a hurry and think there isn’t time for manners. Perhaps they don’t even realize how rude they’ve been. You won’t know until you ask! Stay calm and simply say, “I think that’s pretty rude. Why are you treating me like this?” The answer may surprise you.

大家粗暴终究会出现缘故,也许她们这一天很不如意,或是较为匆匆忙忙,感觉没必要注重客套话礼数,又或是她们压根就没意识到自身失礼了。你仅有问了才会了解是什么情况啊!因此 ,先理智地问一下:“我认为你那样很蛮横无理,为何要那样?”或许你能了解很出现意外的原因。

4. Be objective and analyze the rudeness.

4. 维持客观性,掌握另一方为什么粗暴。

So somebody was rude to you. What did they do or say? Was there any sense in it? If you view the situation objectively, you’ll realize that most rudeness is senseless, so you can cheerfully ignore it. On the rare occasions when there’s logic behind the rude behavior, staying objective lets you address the root of the problem instead of the rudeness concealing it.

行吧,有些人对你很粗暴。那麼有人说了或干了哪些?她们的叫法或作法有些道理吗?假如客观性分辨全部状况,你能发觉绝大多数蛮横无理全是毫无价值的,因此 果断忽视掉吧。在极个别状况下,粗暴言谈举止身后也存有客观性原因;那麼这时候维持客观性则能给你从源头上解决困难,而不容易被表层的蛮横无理所蒙蔽。

5. Don’t join the drama club.

5. 不必陷入风波。

Do you feel like yelling at the rude people around you? Don’t. Joining in the drama will only escalate the situation. Whether you’re dealing with a drama queen who’s doing it on purpose, or an inconsiderate oaf whose rudeness is unintentional, keep your dignity intact by not letting rude behavior provoke you into a tantrum of your own.


6. Let it drop and walk away.

6. 立即忽视地离开。

Rudeness is hurtful, but removing yourself from the situation is the fastest and surest way to avoid more rude behavior from the same person. Walk away, even if they’re still talking to you! If they’re a stranger, you’ll never have to deal with them again. If they’re a friend or colleague, they’ll soon learn that being rude to you gets them exactly nowhere (and maybe that will prompt them to be nicer next time).

蛮横无理很致伤,但是积极解决哪个自然环境肯定是防止遭受同一个人不尊看待的更快**是方式 。立即离开吧,管它是否仍在身后说你嘞!假如另一方是路人,那么你总之之后再也不能跟她们相处;如果是盆友或朋友,她们毫无疑问会发觉那么做没啥益处,并且也许之后她们会越来越对你更强呢。

7. Consider offering help.

7. 想一想可否出示协助。

Some rudeness is a simple case of bad manners. But often, a person who’s rude to you does so because they feel frustrated about something—and if it’s within your power to resolve their frustration, you may see them switch from rudeness to gratitude in seconds. A word of warning, though: only offer help if you can provide it immediately, as an offer of help “later on” can add to their feelings of frustration.


8. Understand rudeness as a habit.

8. 搞清楚粗暴也是一种习惯性。

Some people are rude simply because they’re always rude. Once rudeness becomes a habit, it can be difficult to shake off even if they truly want to behave better. Habitual rudeness should never be taken personally; it’s just a pattern that’s hard to break. Which brings us to the next point—


9. Don’t try to force a change.

9. 不必试着去更改。

You can’t make someone be polite if they want to be rude. In fact, trying to force a change in their behavior will often make them behave worse instead of better. Sometimes your best option is to accept that their rudeness is not your fault and let them find their own solutions.


10. Fight rudeness with kindness.

10. 用包容击败粗暴。

Don’t let rudeness make you respond with more of the same. The best way to defuse rude behavior is to stay friendly and helpful, giving the other person a chance to calmdown and adjust their behavior to match yours.




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