


成人英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-04 浏览:112


Dear Annie: I’m in charge of a product development teamat a Fortune 500 company, and right now the divisionhead and I are setting a couple of big goals for 2015,especially regarding products we want to roll out by mid-year. I think our deadlines for different phases of theseprojects are realistic, but our ability to meet themdepends partly on keeping the same people we havenow, because having to bring replacement hires up tospeed would really slow us down.

The main thing that worries me is that, out of the 22people who report to me, 12 are in their mid-twenties toearly thirties. Our whole company has had a problemrecently with high turnover in this age group. Do you haveany suggestions about how to hold on to them, at leastfor the next few months? — Fingers Crossed

Dear F.C.: It’s true, Millennials are quicker to jump shipthan any other generation of employees, especially BabyBoomers. One new study from Payscale.com, forinstance, says that more than 40% of Boomers thinkpeople should stay in one job, or at least one company,for at least five years. A scant 13% of Millennials agree.

There’s also lots of evidence that young workers holdmuch different expectations about work than their eldersever did. So bosses intent on keeping them around mayhave to make some specific changes in the way they leadtheir teams. “Millennials want more openness andtransparency,” observes Kris Duggan, CEO ofBetterWorks, which makes a software platform aimed athelping businesses reach goals. “They also need moreencouragement, and more of a sense that they’re makingprogress, than most managers are used to givingpeople.”

Both as a co-founder of gamification companyBadgeville and from working with BetterWorks clientsnow, Duggan has seen close up what works, and doesn’t,in inspiring twenty-something talent to stay put. Herecommends these four steps:

Make goals clear, both theirs and yours. “Millennialscrave structure and guidance, so set clear expectations,”Duggan says. At the same time, explain what your owngoals are — meeting each of those demanding deadlines,for instance — and why they matter, not just to yourteam but to the division and the whole company.

“Often, managers just assign tasks without explanation,so people don’t see what their bosses are trying toaccomplish,” notes Duggan. “But it’s important toMillennials that you connect those dots. They want to seethe big picture.”

Get out of their way. Once you’ve explained exactly whathas to get done, Duggan says, “step back and let themfigure out how to do it. You really shift from being amanager to acting as more of a coach, and encouragethem to figure out the details.” Millennials tend to rebelagainst micromanagement (even more than most otherpeople), he adds, so avoid it. Your role is to help — insetting small interim goals and deadlines that lead up tolarger ones, for example — without hovering.

Give lots of positive feedback. Much has been made ofMillennials’ upbringing as the overpraised generation,where everybody wins a trophy just for showing up. But,according to Duggan, applauding progress andcelebrating milestones at work is not about thatsupposed sense of entitlement. Rather, he points toresearch showing that people who use a pedometer orFitBit to measure how much they walk each day take 30%more steps than people who don’t.

That’s not a coincidence. “Knowing how you’re doing, andhaving your progress acknowledged, is immenselymotivating,” he says, and the more frequently, the better. “Annual performance reviews do not work withMillennials,” he adds. “They look for feedback anddirection every week or two.”

Show them a career path. Despite what often looks like adisjointed series of short-term moves, Millennials are“intensely focused on the long term. They want to seehow their current job fits into their whole career plan,”Duggan says. “By having open conversations about howto be successful at different levels throughout thecompany, and what it takes to be promoted, you can takesomething very abstract and make it real.” Talking aboutthe future might also give Gen Yers a reason to look fortheir next job in-house, instead of somewhere else.

Any team leader who wants to create a Millennial-friendlyculture can do it, Duggan says, and January “is a greatopportunity to start being more open and collaborative —new year, new goals, new transparency.” Good luck.

Talkback: If you’re a Millennial, what would entice you tostay with your current employer? Leave a commentbelow.


我较大 的忧虑取决于,22名属下之中,有12人到二十五六岁到三十出头。这一年龄层的职工在大家企业的流通性**。我该怎样才可以吸引她们,最少让她们坚持不懈好多个月時间?您有哪些提议吗?——F.C.


除此之外,有很多直接证据证实,年青人对工作中的预估与老前辈们不一样。因此 ,要想吸引她们,顾主务必适度更改一下领导干部方法。BetterWorks企业着眼于打造出致力于协助公司达到目标的软件系统。该企业 CEO查尔斯•达根表明:“千禧一代期待管理方法更为对外开放和全透明。她们还*须大量激励,更期待觉得自身在不断发展。在她们来看,大部分管理人员习惯性出示的那类激励还还不够。”


总体目标要确立,包含她们的与你自身的总体目标。达根讲到:“千禧一代期盼逻辑性和具体指导,因此 要设置确立的预估。”另外,要向她们表述你自己的总体目标——比如,追上这些严苛的最后限期——及其为何这种总体目标不但对你的精英团队,对单位和全部企业都十分关键。


不必变成她们的绊脚石。达根表明,向职工表述清晰总体目标以后,“便已不参与,让他们自己决策怎样完成这种总体目标。你需要从管理人员变化为相近教练员的人物角色,激励他们自己明确关键点。”他填补道,千禧一代通常对外部经济管理方法十分抵触(抵触水平超出了别的年龄层的大部分人),因此 要尽量减少外部经济管理方法。你的功效是出示协助——例如为完成更高的总体目标,设置较小的临时性总体目标和最后限期等——但决不会参与干预。







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