


成人英语学习网更新时间:2021-01-06 浏览:287



  Whether you're a new graduate or someone with a few years of experience under your belt, you might come across interview questions about where you'd like to go in your career during your job search. One of the more common versions of this question is, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?". Although it may not be the most creative question, it's an important question to ask yourself anyway, and you should have a response prepared for the interview.


  First, let's consider what the interviewer is really asking. They want to find out a few things: Have you given thought to your career? Are you ambitious or do you lack initiative? Do your goals fit with those of the company? Are you going to be a long-term employee or are you going to jump ship for the next big opportunity?


  The interviewer doesn't want to hear that you don't plan to stay at their company for long, but instead plan to start your own business, go to grad school or live on a beach in Greece. What they want to hear is that you're looking to make a commitment to the company and that the role is not only exactly what you're looking for but also something you do well.


  Don't be too rigid in your goals, such as, "I want to be promoted within a year, and be managing a team six months after that." This can automatically take you out of consideration if the position has little growth opportunity. And if you are applying for an entry-level position, this seems presumptuous and they may go with a different candidate that has more realistic goals.

  不必立个太苛刻的总体目标,例如,“我觉得在一年里就晋升,并且在六个月以后可以领着一支精英团队。” 假如这一岗位的发展趋势机遇不大得话,那样的回应会使你立即淘汰。此外假如你申请办理的是初中级岗位,这一回应有点过自高自大,招聘者们很有可能会挑选别的总体目标较为实际的侯选人。

  A good answer to this question will show you've thought about your career and that you want to continue to learn and grow at their company, as well as shows off your strengths and accomplishments. If you have strong values about contributing to the team or working at a large corporation, include this in your answer.


  For example, a good answer could be, "I'd like to continue progressing in the marketing field, and see myself in a more senior marketing role. Judging by our conversation so far, this position would give me the opportunity to gain new skills and techniques that would help me to advance. I'd like to continue taking on more responsibilities and am confident that I can make positive contributions to the team that will bring the company more success."


  Keep in mind that the goal of the interview is to convince your interviewer that you are the best person for the job so that you will proceed to the next stage of the job search process: the offer. So, show the interviewer that you can contribute to the company's success!

  记牢招聘面试的总体目标是说动你的招聘者你是这一岗位的左膀右臂,然后你也就会进到工作中寻找的第二阶段:录用通知。因此 ,向招聘者主要表现一下你可以给企业产生取得成功吧。

  More examples:


  1. First and foremost, I want to contribute as much as I can to your company in the position I'm applying for. Once mastered, I see myself in a supervisory or management role. I'm a good leader and enjoy managing people and projects.


  2. Although my initial focus would be to work to my full potential in the job I'm applying for, I would very much like to move into a supervisory or management role in 3-5 years...or less. I enjoy supporting my team members, and strive to set a good example for others.


  3. My first goal will be to meet or exceed your expectations in the position I'm applying for. After that, I would enjoy the responsibilities of management. I'm patient with others and like the challenges of leadership.




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