


成人英语学习网更新时间:2020-12-30 浏览:932

在职人员场中经常要采用 Email 沟通交流,但怎样才能够写成一封得当的Email却让人十分头疼。假如给你接纳过技术专业的职场英语学习培训,便会发觉实际上Email并不会太难写。实际上要写成一封最易读通俗易懂的Email最重要是将语句“K-I-S-S” 就是“Keep It Short and Simple”的简称,意即尽可能简洁明了。如今就优选了50句超好用的Email 职场英语语句,给你轻轻松松在短期内内就可以写成技术专业电子邮件!

1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我寄信时要确定/了解/通告你。。。

2. I am writing in reference to … 我写这*一封信是有关 …

3.We hear from…(已知道另一方的难题) 己方获知。。。

4. In response to your letter…(回复另一方的了解) 回复您的信件。。。

5. Thank you for your email. 感谢你的信件。

6. Thanks for your reply. 感谢你的回复。

7. Thank you for sending me… 感谢你寄来我。。。

8. Your prompt response will be most appreciated.很感谢你迅速的答覆。

9. I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter. 我很感谢你对这一件事儿的了解。

10. Thank you for your time and consideration. 感谢你们的宝贵时间。

11. Thank you for reaching out to us regarding … 感谢你们积极联系大家。。。

12. Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved, they certainly did an excellent job. 请传递我的感激给相关的朋友,她们确实做得非常好

13. Thank you so much for inviting me. 十分感谢你们邀约我。

14. Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for me. 感谢你为我做的一切。

15. I would appreciate your kindest understanding with/regarding this matter. 我很感谢你对这一件事儿的了解。


16. Could we get together and discuss it a little more? 大家能否碰面时再多讨论一下?

17. I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet you at your office. 是否可以使在您公司办公室见个面?

18. I’d like to see you tomorrow if you have time. 假如您有时间,我觉得明日跟您见个面。

19. Would you arrange a formal appointment for us? 您能为大家分配一个宣布的大会吗?

20. When can we meet to talk? 什么情况下大家能碰面谈一谈?

21. When is it convenient for you? 什么情况下会比较便捷您?

Confirm for an appointment“明确见面時间”

22. Anytime you say. 什么情况下都能够。

23. Just give me a call before you come over. 您来以前打个电话帮我就可以了。

24. See you soon. 没多久以后见。

25. I am afraid I couldn’t make it. 我也许没法抵达。

26. I am not sure about it. Can I inform you later this week? 这件事情我不会明确,我能这周晚一点通告您吗?


27. Can we make our appointment a little later? 大家的幽会能够往后面推迟吗?

28. Could you change the schedule for me? 您能给我变更日程吗?

29. Would you like to reschedule the appointment? 您要重订见面時间吗?

30. I prefer not to postpone the schedule. 我较为趋向不必推迟行程安排。

31. My proposal is that… 我的建议是。。。

32. Here is what I propose… 下列就是我的建议。。。

33. Reply“回复”1. Please answer promptly. 请马上回复。

34. Please keep me informed on the matter. 请随时随地让我明白这件事情的发展趋势。

35. We still feel sorry for the trouble that has caused you much inconvenience. 大家依然抱歉对您导致这么多不方便的困惑。

36. We reiterate that we will make every effort to avoid similar mistake in our future transactions. 大家严格执行大家会尽一切勤奋,去防止将来处理事件时产生相近的不正确。

37. Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble. 期待不容易为您产生过多的不便。

38. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. 针对造成一切麻烦,大家觉得很抱歉。


39. be looking forward to …(希望句子) 静候获得。。。

40. Please tell… us…(规定句子) 请告知。。。我。。。

41. Will you please…(了解句子) 能请您。。。

42. I look forward to hearing from you. 我很希望可以接到您的回复。

43. We solicit your close cooperation with us in this matter. 大家乞求您针对此一恶性事件能给与帮助和协作。

44. We hope to be of service to you and look forward to your comments. 之上期待能对您有一定的协助,也静候您的赐教(建议)。

45. Please call me any time if you have any questions. 假如给你一切难题,欢迎你随时随地打电话。

46. Looking forward to entering into a business relationship with you. 希望与贵司创建合作关系。

47. We look forward to the pleasure of hearing from you. 大家希望您的回声。


48. I have attached the previously mentioned documents for your review. 所述材料已于信末带入档案资料内另附供您参照。

49. Please review the attached documents thoroughly. 请细心检查配件。

50. I am enclosing… 我另附。。。


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